
Preliminary Ecological Appraisal

Ecological field surveys often begin with a Preliminary Ecological Appraisal or Extended Phase 1 Habitat Survey. Within the survey area each parcel of land is classified, recorded and mapped in accordance with a list of ninety specified habitat types using standard colour codes. This allows a rapid visual assessment to be made of the extent and distribution of different habitat types. ‘Target Notes’ are used to provide supplementary information on features which are particularly interesting or significant, or too small to map, and to provide additional details, for example relating to species composition and structure.

The survey includes an assessment of habitat suitability to support rare or protected fauna. The findings of the Preliminary Ecological Appraisal or Phase 1 survey will normally inform the scope for protected species survey requirements.

Brighton – based Urban Edge Environmental Consulting provides general and specialist surveys for a broad range of species and habitat types – see links to right under Ecological Surveys. We prepare Ecology chapters for EIA, undertake standalone Ecological Impact Assessments, devise ecological design and mitigation solutions, and provide habitat management and restoration advice.

Our team has carried out ecological surveys and assessments for renewable energy projects, industrial developments, retail schemes, road transport projects, and mixed use and residential developments.

Ecological Surveys

Impact Assessments

Environmental Planning


Biodiversity Net Gain