
Arboricultural Method Statement (AMS)

Our Arboricultural Method Statements can be timed to include with your planning application or to discharge planning conditions post-consent. The document provides a site-specific ‘how to’ guide of construction specifications and methodologies that facilitate development adjacent to trees. The method statement is produced for authorisation by the planning authority and for use by contractors working on site. It details how trees will be protected during the phases of demolition and construction works.

The report will specify areas that require arboriculturally-sensitive engineering, provide design specifications and a phasing of works so that key stages of implementation are clear. This can include, although is not limited to, the installation of utility apparatus, site level changes and foundation piling. The method statement provides details of construction exclusion zones, tree protection fencing, temporary and permanent ground protection and methods for working within tree root protection areas. These measures protect retained trees from construction activities and will be required by the local planning authority where there is a risk of damage to trees. All of our method statements come with an AutoCAD-drawn ‘Tree Protection Plan’, illustrating details of tree protection and specialist construction.

Ecological Surveys

Impact Assessments

Environmental Planning


Biodiversity Net Gain