
Expert Witness and Examination Support

The SEA process is iterative and should be applied to each stage of a Local Plan’s progression. It is designed such that issues identified early in the process can be teased out and addressed as the plan takes shape. The process completes with an independent Examination in Public where the plan is tested against compliance with legislative requirements. This legal check includes evidence that the Sustainability Appraisal has been properly followed; evidence of its effects should be apparent. At the same time tests of soundness which explore whether the plan is justified, effective and compliant with national policy, are conducted.

We can provide support with any aspect of the Examination process, either by appearing on behalf of the client team or providing supporting proofs and other written evidence. Alternatively, we may be able to help with a specific aspect of the SA or SEA process such as a particular topic area like biodiversity, green infrastructure, flooding or landscape.

Ecological Surveys

Impact Assessments

Environmental Planning


Biodiversity Net Gain