SEA and SA is carried out for a range of plans and programmes in the UK and Europe and provides a means to assess the environmental and socio- economic effects of a plan at various points during its preparation. Our team has carried out a range of SEAs and SAs since its first application in the UK and has worked extensively with the following sectors:
- Spatial Planning, including Local Plans, Site Allocations documents, Core Strategies, Area Action Plans and other development plan documents
- Transport: Transport plans and implementation programmes, including Local Transport Planning in England
- Minerals and Waste : Minerals and Waste Development Plans and Frameworks
- Economy: Regional Economic Strategies
- Landscape: Protected landscape plans, such as AONB Management Plans
- Communities: Sustainable Community Strategies and Neighbourhood Plans
Our team is able to assist with any aspect of the SEA/SA process. Our services include, but are not limited to:
- A full service SEA/SA, from Scoping to Adoption
- Distinct stages of the SA process, including any combination of the following: preparation of the Scoping Report; assessment of alternatives; appraisal of earlier and later versions of the plan; the full Environmental Report; support at Examination; and/or the preparation of the SEA Environmental Statement / SA Adoption Statement
- Provision of guidance and advice for in-house SEA and SA, including Quality Assurance reviews of SEA/SA processes carried out to date
- Capacity building and training to assist the development of in-house capacity for SEA and SA
- Baseline studies to inform the SEA/SA process
- Incorporation of additional appraisal processes within the SA process, including Equalities Impact Assessment, Health Impact Assessment and consideration of Ecosystems Services
- Ad hoc advice on SEA/SA, including at Examination
- Advice on tiering related levels of environmental assessment for policies, plans, programmes and projects, linked to SEA/SA, Habitats Regulations Assessment and Environmental Impact Assessment
Urban Edge Environmental Consulting is a first and last port of call for all SEA and SA services. Our approach to SEA/SA seeks to support our clients to achieve their objectives in the most appropriate and sustainable manner, by helping them to prepare cost effective, legally robust and fully auditable SEA/SA. For statutory SEA/SA, we have developed an innovative methodology that combines legal requirements with best practice guidance, providing a robust, flexible procedure. This methodology is fully integrated, easy to use and accurate in its application, offering excellent value to our local authority and public sector clients.
Our approach to SEA/SEA is not limited; it does not merely aim to meet the minimum requirements of the SEA Directive. Instead our SEA and SA services proactively seek to inform and influence the plan-making process at all stages to maximise the environmental and sustainability value of the plan. For this reason our clients highly value our input into the plan-making process, and our accessible, innovative and collaborative approach. It is perhaps no surprise therefore that we have built up exciting long-term relationships with a number of our clients to provide ongoing SEA and SA services.