Walking the talk with our high-performance BREEAM ‘Excellent’ offices...


Our Premises

In 2012 we upped sticks from our central Brighton location in favour of larger modern offices with better sustainability performance. Westergate Business Centre is a pleasingly designed high-performance building that was created with a high regard to the environment.  The overall design achieved a BREEAM ‘Excellent’ rating, one of the first in Brighton to do so. The following key aspects were implemented to achieve the BREEAM status:

  • Integrated technologies including solar thermal panel heated water, geo-thermal central heating and a wind turbine providing on-site electricity generation
  • Use of green walls to provide more varied habitats and nectar sources for wildlife
  • Installation of swift boxes to provide nesting opportunities for this Local Biodiversity Action Plan species
  • Local sourcing of materials –e.g. sweet chestnut timber cladding and clay bricks from East Sussex
  • Use of ‘north lights’ and ‘sun tubers’ to provide good levels of day lighting in order to reduce the need for artificial lighting
  • A high degree of recycled and/or recyclable content in building materials
  • Demolition materials from the original building were reused as sub-bases for new roads and pavements
  • Building components of the new construction to be dismantled for future reuse
  • Surface water is returned to the natural aquifer via interceptors and soakaways
  • Use of low flush toilets and spray taps on basins and sinks to reduce water usage
  • Use of low energy lamps and light fittings, and installation of time deactivated / movement reactivated lighting controls
  • Insulation levels which exceed current Building Regulation standards by more than 20%
  • Monitoring of CO2 emissions during the construction phase, with total emissions offset by tree planting to achieve carbon neutrality
  • Use of local public transport is actively promoted and easily accessible to/from the city centre, with new real-time bus information displays being installed at the nearest bus stop as part of the scheme
  • Secure, covered cycle parking and shower facilities to encourage sustainable, active travel