
Environmental Impact Assessment

Planning applications for development projects which have the potential to generate significant environmental effects are legally required to undertake an Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) and submit an Environmental Statement (ES) as part of the planning application documentation. In England, the EIA process for urban development projects is governed by the Town and Country Planning (Environmental Impact Assessment) Regulations 2017, which apply the requirements of EU Directive 2014/52/EU. Other consenting regimes apply for nationally significant infrastructure projects and transport works, but the principles of the EIA process remain the same.

Our team have expertise in guiding our clients through all stages of the EIA process, from the early screening stages to agree with the Local Planning Authority (LPA) whether an EIA is required, through scoping to determine those topics where there is potential for significant environmental effects to arise, to providing mitigation advice and production of the ES. We believe that adopting a proactive approach to EIA and engaging with client and design teams early in the planning process can ensure environmentally robust schemes are taken forward to planning, minimising the risk of challenge and avoiding abortive design fees. By engaging early we can deliver the best outcomes for our clients and the environment.

We have a team of ecology experts in-house, with experience of undertaking Ecological Impact Assessment and producing Ecology ES chapters. Using our network of associates and partners, we can provide the full suite of topic assessments required to input to the EIA process. Our in-house EIA coordination team provide the key interface between the technical teams and the client/design teams ensuring effective information exchange between all parties at all stages in the process, and will ultimately be responsible for authoring the final ES.

We can also undertake reviews for LPAs to help them ensure that the ES’s they receive are compliant and fit for purpose. We can tailor our reviews depending on our clients’ requirements, from a full technical review to a compliance review, or providing advice on a particular technical issue.

Our range of EIA services includes:

  • Screening advice and Screening opinions
  • Scoping advice and Scoping Reports
  • Technical baseline studies and assessments
  • Ecological Impacts Assessments and surveys
  • EIA coordination
  • ES authoring
  • GIS analysis and mapping
  • Alternatives to scheme design to maximise net ecological/environmental gain
  • Mitigation advice and design
  • Expert Witness
  • ES review and Quality Assurance

Ecological Surveys

Impact Assessments

Environmental Planning


Biodiversity Net Gain