
Site Allocations and Options Appraisal

Local spatial planning can utilise a range of development plan documents to deliver planned growth and sustainable development. These include Local Plans, Core Strategies, Allocations Plans and Area Action Plans. The SEA process enables assessment of development plan document policies and spatial allocations of proposed development where they exist. Strategic allocations may be included in Local Plans or Core Strategies but are expressed in more detail via Allocations and Area Action Plans. Wherever allocated sites to promote development and flexible use of land provide detail on form, scale, access and quantum of development, the SEA process will appraise them accordingly. Allocations can relate to, amongst other things, housing, green space, employment sites, waste and minerals.

  • Our Clients

    Fareham Borough Council have worked with Urban Edge (UEEC) for over 5 years on Sustainability Appraisals and Habitats Regulations Assessments to accompany our Local Plans. Urban Edge provide an extremely professional, knowledgeable and good value service, tailored to fit to our often challenging timeframes. Reporting is always detailed and clear on what are complex technical areas, whilst advice is always quick and pragmatic. I would have no hesitation in recommending UEEC’s services to anyone.

    Adam Collier, Principal Planner (Strategy and Regeneration), Fareham Borough Council
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The process of allocating sites with distinct boundaries and prescriptions of size, scale and definition lends itself more fully to the process of options development and appraisal. It should be apparent within the relevant plan’s progressive audit trail that all realistic options have been appraised via the SA and SEA process. Being able to demonstrate that the plan is the most appropriate having gone through an objective process of assessing alternatives will pay dividends in terms of an easier passage for the plan through the examination process. It will assist in the process of evaluating the claims of those who wish to oppose the strategy.

Ecological Surveys

Impact Assessments

Environmental Planning


Biodiversity Net Gain