
Green Infrastructure Planning

Green infrastructure is a cornerstone of spatial planning that is essential to provide wide-ranging benefits to various sectors through the use of ‘green’ and semi-natural features. Careful planning of GI delivers social, economic and environmental benefits that can be derived in a cost-effective and sustainable manner. These include climate change adaptation, public health via outdoor recreation and mental stimulation, flood risk attenuation and biodiversity gain.

Connectivity and multifunctionality characterise effective green infrastructure networks. Green infrastructure needs to be planned and managed at a range of scales from regional, through sub-regional and local levels. Standards relating to the quantity and quality of green infrastructure remain elusive as does the ability to measure quantified benefits. A key requirement for successful planning of GI is spatial data – see also our Geographic Information Systems pages. Our team has prepared sub-regional Green Infrastructure Strategies and district level Green Infrastructure Studies. We have also advised clients on designing GI into individual projects. A carefully prepared, tried and tested approach to green infrastructure planning, supported by Natural England, which delivers excellent value for money is available for public and private sector clients.

Ecological Surveys

Impact Assessments

Environmental Planning


Biodiversity Net Gain