Environmental & ecological solutions for planning & development.
Survey Season Calendar with NotesOur Protected Species Survey Calendar is designed to help you plan ahead and integrate ecological requirements into your project programmes.
Tags: Ecological surveys, EPS, News, Protected species
As you may be aware, there’s a very limited period of time when you can survey for great crested newts. This, coupled with the fact…
Tags: Ecological surveys, Ecology, GCN, Protected species
Our Senior Ecologist Becci was lucky enough on Saturday to catch a glimpse of a rare creature. The greater mouse-eared bat was declared extinct in…
Tags: Bats, Ecological surveys, Ecology, Protected species
By Judith Heron Last week I was lucky enough to go on a boat tour of the new Rampion Offshore Wind Farm, organised by the…
Tags: Ecological surveys, Ecology, EPS, News, Protected species, Renewables, Reptiles
When is the GCN Survey Season? The survey season for Great Crested Newts (GCN) is upon us already! It’s a tight window from mid-March to…
Tags: Ecological surveys, Ecology, GCN, News, Protected species
OK, so you know you have to have an ecological assessment carried out for your development, but when is the right time to have it…
Tags: Ecological surveys, Ecology, EPS, News, Protected species
With 2018 underway, now is a good time to consider which sites in your portfolio could require protected species surveys over the coming year. Surveys…
Tags: Ecological surveys, News, Protected species
(And we’re not talking about the vegetable!) 1. Preliminary Ecological Appraisals (PEAs) have become the standard phase 1 ecological survey required by local authorities to…
Tags: Ecological surveys, Ecology, Protected species
Spring is finally here (meteorologically at least), and Great Crested Newts (GCN) will be emerging from hibernation. Now they’ll be heading for their breeding ponds…
Tags: Ecological surveys, EPS, GCN, News
There are 17 species of bat resident in the UK (18 if you count the greater mouse-eared bat) all of which are protected under the…
Tags: Bats, Ecological surveys, EPS, News, Protected species
Urban Edge Environmental works with developers, planners and architects throughout the UK. We understand that one of the key frustrations they face is when a…
Our Guide to Protected Species Surveys is packed with useful information about some of the more commonly encountered species, including identification, conservation status, survey methodologies…
We recently published a case study of one of our field survey projects from 2015: Rampion Offshore Windfarm: Reptile Translocation for a Port Expansion Area…
Tags: Ecological surveys, News, Reptiles
Badgers are amongst our most iconic and loved wildlife, coming second in a recent vote to choose a national emblem for British wildlife (BBC Wildlife…
Tags: Badger, Ecological surveys, News
Newts have the ability to regenerate lost limbs, but despite this amazing ability they are less robust when it comes to habitat change. Great crested…
Spring is nearly here, and Great Crested Newts (GCN) will be emerging from hibernation. Now they’ll be heading for their nearest breeding ponds so that…
We recently published a case study of one of our field survey projects from 2014: South Oxfordshire Solar Site: Habitat and protected species surveys for…
Tags: Ecological surveys, Environmental planning, EPS, GCN, News
Looking back on this year’s fieldwork, it’s been an interesting ecology season at Urban Edge Environmental with surveys taking us all over the country. We…
Tags: Badger, Bats, Birds, Ecological surveys, Ecology, EPS, News, Reptiles
At this time of year many consultants are sending their survey data to Local Records Centres and, with the Biological Records Centre celebrating its 50th…
Tags: Ecological surveys, Ecology, Environmental planning, News, Protected species
It is generally considered that winter is a quiet time for ecologists and, with many UK protected species going into hibernation, for the most part…
Tags: Birds, Ecological surveys, Ecology, News, Protected species
In March 2014 Defra published a study which evaluated the efficiency of using environmental DNA (eDNA) to detect populations of great crested newts (GCN) in…
Tags: Ecological surveys, Ecology, EPS, GCN, News, Protected species
One of the recommendations that crops up in many Phase 1 reports is the timing of works to avoid the nesting bird season. Birds can…
Tags: Birds, Ecological surveys, News, Protected species
Tags: Bats, Ecological surveys, EPS, News
With the weather getting warmer at last, our native reptiles are becoming more and more active – emerging from hibernaculas, basking, hunting and getting ready…
Spring is most definitely upon us, although it may not feel like it quite yet, and most Great Crested Newts (GCN) will have already emerged…
This month saw the launch of a new planning advice note for the South Downs National Park Authority, jointly prepared by Urban Edge Envirnmental Consulting…
Tags: Ecological surveys, Ecology, Environmental planning, News, Policy
We’re successfully raising our profile and diversifying our client base by expanding into consultancy support for the renewable energy sector. Recent successes have included new…
Tags: Bats, Birds, Ecological surveys, News, Renewables
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