Joe Dale

BSc(Hons) MSc Qualifying member of CIEEM
Project Ecologist

01273 686766

Joe is one of our newest ecologists and hit the ground running at the start of the team’s busy 2023 survey season. He is experienced in performing a range of protected species surveys including bats, reptiles, dormice, and badgers.  He also carries out Ecological Clerk of Works (ECoW), supervising destructive searches and reptile fence installations.

Joe graduated from the University of Reading with an MSc in Ecology and a BSc in Zoology.  His studies gave him a solid foundation in species identification, field survey techniques, GIS, data interpretation and report writing, all of which he puts to work for our clients on sites across England. For his dissertations, Joe focused on the ecology of ground beetles and saproxylic beetles, awakening his interest in entomology. This gave him a good baseline knowledge of invertebrates, an interest he is always eager to pursue.

When not hard at work in the field, Joe is a keen sportsman, enjoying badminton, cricket, and squash. During his time out of the elements, he often enjoys relaxing with a crossword puzzle or attempting to play the piano.