CIEEM Position Statement on EU Referendum
Earlier this year CIEEM asked its members for their views on matters relating to the UK’s membership of the EU and the potential impacts of leaving on the natural environment and the sector. The results of the survey showed 93% of CIEEM members supporting the UK staying in the EU.
In its statement, CIEEM highlights benefits such as protection of wildlife habitats and species, rigorous standards for pollution control, and the cleanliness of bathing beaches – all of which have been delivered because of EU legislation.
CIEEM points to the positive impact of the Natura 2000 network of protected areas and how this has contributed to creating a coherent and interconnected mechanism across the continent for the benefit of many species and habitats.
Interestingly, it is not just species and habitats that CIEEM’s members believe will be affected by the lack of EU legislation; the uncertainty of appropriate legislation to be put in place if the United Kingdom were to leave the EU would also effect housing, construction and engineering, all of which interact with environmental legislation. CIEEM highlights that the interim period leaves ambiguity around the planning system which could result in a decrease in activity and investment in these sectors.
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