Case Studies

Ecological Impact Assessment, Habitats Regulations and Sustainability Statement for Centurion Park Employment Site

Client: Private Developer


In 2008 members of our team undertook an Ecological Impact Assessment, including extended Phase 1 habitat and reptile surveys, and Habitats Regulations Assessment for proposed industrial development on previously developed land at Centurion Park, Southampton. The project also required preparation of a Sustainability Statement. The application sought permission for a light industrial and warehousing facility on 0.5ha site adjacent to the River Itchen. The site consisted of ruderal plant species with occasional scrub and small patches of rank grassland, dominated by false oat grass, on reclaimed land covered with rubble and spoil. Invasive species (Japanese knotweed) were encountered. Ecological constraints, opportunities for enhancement and recommendations were identified and successfully incorporated into the scheme.


The application was successfully consented.