
Quality Assurance

Competent authorities who have prepared the majority of the Sustainability Appraisal / Strategic Environmental Assessment or Habitats Regulations Assessment process in-house may seek an external review and quality assurance process. Urban Edge Environmental Consulting can provide this service at any point in the assessment cycle, although introduction at the end of an assessment process often restricts the ability to influence its findings and verify the veracity of procedures followed. There are established checklist protocols advocated by central government and the Planning Advisory Service. We also bring our own wealth of experience in these fields to provide objective and constructive advice on behalf of our clients.

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Case Studies

HRA & QA Review - Major Development Area

In 2011 staff from Urban Edge Environmental Consulting coordinated work on behalf of the planning authorities, Winchester City and Havant Borough Councils, to provide technical advice in support of their consideration of a hybrid application for a residential-led Major Development Area west of Waterlooville.


The brief consisted of two main elements. Firstly to review the sections ......

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If you’re working on a Local Plan document and require support in the preparation of Habitats Regulations Assessment or Sustainability Appraisal / Strategic Environmental Assessment, or are thinking of commissioning an independent expert to review the documentation submitted by a project proponent, please contact us now to discuss your requirements.

Ecological Surveys

Impact Assessments

Environmental Planning


Biodiversity Net Gain